Where is Performance Collision Toronto located?
AWe are located on 15 Mobile Drive North York, ON M4A 1H5. If you need help with directions call us at (416) 751-5190.
How much time will it take to repair my vehicle?
ATime frame of repair varies differently for every vehicle. It depends on insurance approval, part orders, and time span of labour. Usually all vehicles are repaired under two weeks. Request an Estimate today
How much will it cost to repair my vehicle?
AOnce we examine your vehicle, we will determine the total cost of repairs. Call us to book an appointment today
Do I have to book an appointment?
AWe strongly recommend to Book an Appointment with Performance Collision Toronto Centre to get the best and quickest auto repair service within Southern Ontario. Appointments are not required for estimates, which are provided free of charge and without obligation during our hours of operation.

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